Since the food you eat provides the only source of nutrition for your growing baby, it’s vital that you not only eat the right foods but eat them in the right quantities. Optimum nutrition during pregnancy is crucial for both your health and your baby’s. But the information available on what to eat during pregnancy can be overwhelming and conflicting.

With the right diet and supplements...

Your baby can have a substantially reduced risk of birth defects or low birth weight, a higher IQ, and less risk of inheriting allergies or conditions such as eczema or asthma.
You can reduce your chances of gaining more or less weight than you should, getting stretch marks, having morning sickness, suffering from anemia and other nutrient deficiencies, pre-eclampsia (hypertension during pregnancy), fatigue, constipation and mood swings.

With the right diet and supplements...

Guide you on what to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy.
Help you understand the most beneficial nutrients for you and your baby and what foods to find them in.
Track your weight gain to make sure you’re in top health throughout your pregnancy.
Are you afraid of gaining more weight than you should during pregnancy? Do you have sugar cravings? I’m here to help!

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